Addressing Sexual Exploitation of Children in the Region. Report to the Secretary General of the OAS 2024

Addressing Sexual Exploitation of Children in the Region. Report to the Secretary General of the OAS 2024

In fulfilment of the mandate of the General Assembly of the OAS, Resolution AG/RES.1667 (XXIX-O/99) of 7 June 1999, the IIN, trough the Inter-American Cooperation Programme for the Prevention and Eradication of Sexual Exploitation, Smuggling of and Trafficking in Children, presents the Report to the Secretary General of the OAS 2024, Addressing the Sexual ExploitationRead more about Addressing Sexual Exploitation of Children in the Region. Report to the Secretary General of the OAS 2024[…]

Considering the Internet and Travel and Tourism as settings for SEC

Considering the Internet and Travel and Tourism as settings for SEC

The Issues Note N.° 2 of the Inter-American Programme for the Prevention and Eradication of Sexual Exploitation, Smuggling of and Trafficking in Children has the objective to widely diseminates the Presentations and the Final Document of the Fifth Subregional Meeting “Prevention, Protection and Restitution of Rights in the face of the Sexual Exploitation of Children (SEC): Experiences for Reflection” (Quito, 2019),Read more about Considering the Internet and Travel and Tourism as settings for SEC[…]

FIFTEENTH REPORT TO THE SECRETARY GENERAL OF THE OAS (2018): Addressing Sexual Exploitation, Trafficking in and Smuggling of Children in CARICOM Member States.

FIFTEENTH REPORT TO THE SECRETARY GENERAL OF THE OAS (2018): Addressing Sexual Exploitation, Trafficking in and Smuggling of Children in CARICOM Member States.

In 2016 it was the 20th anniversary of the First World Congress Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (Sweden, Stockholm); event which positioned the issue of commercial sexual exploitation of children in the public eye for the first time and established the basis for the first plans of action to address the phenomenon in theRead more about FIFTEENTH REPORT TO THE SECRETARY GENERAL OF THE OAS (2018): Addressing Sexual Exploitation, Trafficking in and Smuggling of Children in CARICOM Member States.[…]

Public policy monitoring and evaluation. An approach to addressing the sexual exploitation of children, based on the national action plans of the states in the region

Public policy monitoring and evaluation. An approach to addressing the sexual exploitation of children, based on the national action plans of the states in the region

The Issue Note Nº 2/15 of the Inter-American Cooperation Programme for the Prevention and Eradication of Sexual Exploitation, Smuggling of and Trafficking in Children (IIN-OAS) provide a first approach to the concepts of monitoring and evaluation and their inclusion in National Action Plans to address CSEC in the States in the region. download

21st pan-american child and adolescent congress. 2nd pan-american child forum. Approach to the issue: child sexual exploitation in the americas

21st pan-american child and adolescent congress. 2nd pan-american child forum. Approach to the issue: child sexual exploitation in the americas

The Note Nº 1/15 of the Inter-American Cooperation Program for the Prevention and Eradication of Sexual Exploitation, Smuggling of and Trafficking in Children shows what was worked and agreed on the issue of SEC during the 21st Pan-American Child and Adolescent Congress and the 2nd Pan-American Child Forum (Brazil, December 2014). download

An overview of national plans against the sexual exploitation of children, on the basis of the information provided by member states of the inter-american system

An overview of national plans against the sexual exploitation of children, on the basis of the information provided by member states of the inter-american system

The Note Nº 4/14 of the “Inter-American Cooperation Programme for the Prevention and Eradication of Sexual Exploitation, Smuggling of and Trafficking in Children” (IIN-OAS) includes the mains conclusions and recommendations of the Fourteenth Annual Report to the Secretary General of the OAS, refers to National Plans of Action for addressing SEC. Full Report will beRead more about An overview of national plans against the sexual exploitation of children, on the basis of the information provided by member states of the inter-american system[…]

Twenty-first pan-american child congress on children and adolescents. Background document. Thematic focus: sexual exploitation of children

Twenty-first pan-american child congress on children and adolescents. Background document. Thematic focus: sexual exploitation of children

In December 2014 took place in Brasilia, Brazil, the Twenty-first Pan-American Child Congress on Children and Adolescents (an organ of the Inter-American Children’s Institute, which meets every five years). High state authorities on childhood, technical consultants, international organizations and of the civil society, as well as adolescents between twelve and seventeen years old (who participatedRead more about Twenty-first pan-american child congress on children and adolescents. Background document. Thematic focus: sexual exploitation of children[…]

Good practices in addressing the commercial sexual exploitation of children (V)

Good practices in addressing the commercial sexual exploitation of children (V)

Systematization of the Fourth Subregional Meeting on “Prevention, Protection and Restitution of Rights in the face of Trafficking and SEC in travels and tourism: Experiences for Reflection”, held on 1 and 2 October 2013, in San Salvador, El Salvador. The event brought representatives from Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua andRead more about Good practices in addressing the commercial sexual exploitation of children (V)[…]

A goal to the impunity. For a world cup without sexual violence

A goal to the impunity. For a world cup without sexual violence

The Note Nº 2/14 of the “Inter-American Cooperation Program for the Prevention and Eradication of Sexual Exploitation, Smuggling of and Trafficking in Children”, reflects on the link between the development of large events (of different types) and the risk of children rights violation, specifically addressing a particular case: the Brazilian experience for combat SEC duringRead more about A goal to the impunity. For a world cup without sexual violence[…]

Public policies for the eradication of sec seen through national plans

Public policies for the eradication of sec seen through national plans

As a first approximation to the central theme of this year: “National Plans against SEC”, the Note Nº 1/14 of the “Inter-American Cooperation Program for the Prevention and Eradication of Sexual Exploitation, Smuggling of and Trafficking in Children”, identifies –from the experience of technical assistances made by the IIN– a set of common strengths, weaknessesRead more about Public policies for the eradication of sec seen through national plans[…]

13 th report to the secretary general of the OAS (2013)

13 th report to the secretary general of the OAS (2013)

The 13th Report to the Secretary General of the OAS refers to commercial sexual exploitation of children in the context of travels and tourism (CSEC-TT), a issue that has generated concern in the international community because of the increasing emergence of places and communities frequented by travelers who engage in remunerated sexual relations with localRead more about 13 th report to the secretary general of the OAS (2013)[…]

Reports to the secretary general of the oas and xxi panamerican congress of children and adolescents

Reports to the secretary general of the oas and xxi panamerican congress of children and adolescents

The Thematic Note Nº 4/13 of the Inter-American Cooperation Programme for the Prevention and Eradication of Sexual Exploitation, Smuggling of and Trafficking in Children and Adolescents provides information about the Thirteenth Report to the Secretary General of the OAS, refers to sexual exploitation of child and adolescents in the context of travels and tourism, andRead more about Reports to the secretary general of the oas and xxi panamerican congress of children and adolescents[…]

IV Sub-regional meeting on “Prevention, promotion and restitution of rights against trafficking and sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in travel and tourism-experiences for reflection”

IV Sub-regional meeting on “Prevention, promotion and restitution of rights against trafficking and sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in travel and tourism-experiences for reflection”

The Note Nº3/13 of the Inter-American Cooperation Programme for the Prevention and Eradication of Sexual Exploitation, Smuggling of and Trafficking in Children includes information about the Fourth Sub-regional Meeting on “Prevention, Promotion and Restitution of Rights against trafficking and sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in travel and tourism-Experiences for Reflection”, held on October 1stRead more about IV Sub-regional meeting on “Prevention, promotion and restitution of rights against trafficking and sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in travel and tourism-experiences for reflection”[…]

Good practices in addressing the commercial sexual exploitation of children (IV)

Good practices in addressing the commercial sexual exploitation of children (IV)

Systematization of the Third Regional Meeting on “Prevention, Restitution and Promotion of Rights in the face of Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents: Experiences for Reflection”, held on 30 and 31 May 2012, in Asunción, Paraguay. The event brought representatives from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay, as well asRead more about Good practices in addressing the commercial sexual exploitation of children (IV)[…]

The “client-exploiters” and their motivations

The “client-exploiters” and their motivations

The Note Nº2/13 of the Inter-American Cooperation Programme for the Prevention and Eradication of Sexual Exploitation, Smuggling of and Trafficking in Children refers to a key player in the reproduction circuit of commercial sexual exploitation of children, whatever the form or scenario in which it is effected: the “Client-Exploiters” and their motivations. download (Only availableRead more about The “client-exploiters” and their motivations[…]

Twelve report to the secretary general of the OAS (2012)

Twelve report to the secretary general of the OAS (2012)

The Twelve Report to the Secretary General of the OAS aims to go beyond description and analysis of experiences (work done in the Eleventh Report) and advance towards deriving lessons that will make it possible to produce a framework of reference for reparation and restitution of the rights of child victims of commercial sexual exploitationRead more about Twelve report to the secretary general of the OAS (2012)[…]

Proposals for producing a framework of reference for reparation and restitution of the rights of child victims of commercial sexual exploitation with a gender perspective

Proposals for producing a framework of reference for reparation and restitution of the rights of child victims of commercial sexual exploitation with a gender perspective

The objective of this document is to generate recommendations for the implementation of programs of restitution of rights for children and adolescents victims of commercial sexual exploitation with a gender perspective. It is based on the experience provided by 11 States of the Inter-American System as well as on analysis of bibliography. It was elaboratedRead more about Proposals for producing a framework of reference for reparation and restitution of the rights of child victims of commercial sexual exploitation with a gender perspective[…]

Good practices in addressing the commercial sexual exploitation of children (III)

Good practices in addressing the commercial sexual exploitation of children (III)

Systematization of the Second Regional Meeting on “Prevention, Protection and Restitution of Rights of children and adolescents against commercial sexual exploitation in the Caribbean”, held on 6 and 7 July 2011 in Kingston, Jamaica. Participants included delegations from twelve states of the Caribbean –Antigua & Barbuda, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Kitts & Nevis,Read more about Good practices in addressing the commercial sexual exploitation of children (III)[…]