We hope that ANNAObserva can be a meeting place of a community interested in promoting the comprehensive protection of children and adolescents against sexual exploitation, smuggling and trafficking, with a human rights approach.
Inter-American Cooperation Programme for the Prevention and Eradication of Sexual Exploitation, Smuggling of and Trafficking in Children.
ANNAObserva is the website for the Inter-American Programme for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Illegal Trafficking.
The ANNAObserva Inter-American Programme was established by the Directing Council of the IIN in 2007 (CD/RES.10) and ratified by the General Assembly of the OAS the following year (AG/RES. 2432).
By Resolution (CD/RES 04 (87-R/12)) it was renamed as it is known today.
The Inter-American Program is organized into 3 working areas:
• Compilation, systematization and dissemination of significant information about sexual exploitation, trafficking of girls, boys and adolescents, with special emphasis on what is produced in the region.
• Production of knowledge and instruments to address sexual exploitation, trafficking of girls, boys and adolescents.
• Technical assistance and training of human resources.
Incluye documentos e información de los Estados del Sistema Interamericano en relación a: Legislación; Políticas Públicas; Espacios de Coordinación; Iniciativas de la Sociedad Civil; Datos Estadísticos; Otros documentos.
Formación de RRHH
Podrán acceder a toda la información relativa al curso semi-presencial sobre Explotación Sexual de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes, que se realiza anualmente en co-responsabilidad con los Estados.
Se difundirán los documentos y herramientas producidos en el marco del Programa.
Actividades y Eventos
Se comunicarán las acciones de incidencia y asesoramiento técnico desarrolladas desde el Programa.