The Twelve Report to the Secretary General of the OAS aims to go beyond description and analysis of experiences (work done in the Eleventh Report) and advance towards deriving lessons that will make it possible to produce a framework of reference for reparation and restitution of the rights of child victims of commercial sexual exploitation with a gender perspective.

This report is organized in three parts plus a final chapter containing conclusions and recommendations. The first part includes Background, Introduction, and a description of the methodology as well as the sources consulted. The second part contains updated information regarding the developments reported by the states of the Inter-American system, in two specific areas: Status report: a diagnosis of the problem, and Protection: legal and judicial system changes. The third part contains the study entitled Proposals for producing a framework of reference for reparation and restitution of the rights of child victims of commercial sexual exploitation with a gender perspective. Finally, a number of conclusions are drawn and recommendations are made.
