The Issues Note N.° 2 of the Inter-American Programme for the Prevention and Eradication of Sexual Exploitation, Smuggling of and Trafficking in Children has the objective to widely diseminates the Presentations and the Final Document of the Fifth Subregional Meeting Prevention, Protection and Restitution of Rights in the face of the Sexual Exploitation of Children (SEC): Experiences for Reflection” (Quito, 2019), jointly organized by the IIN-OAS, and various public and private institutions of Ecuador: Consejo Nacional para la Igualdad Intergeneracional (CNII), Ministerio de Inclusión Económica y Social (MIES), Ministerio de Turismo (MINTUR), Ministerio de Educación (MINEDUC), Fundación QUITU RAYMI (ECPAT Ecuador), ChildFund y Plan Internacional.
