According with the provisions of General Assembly’s Resolution AG/RES 1667 (XXIX-0/99), of June, 7th 1999, the Inter-American Children’s Institute (IIN) takes annually a Report to the Secretary General of the Organization of Americans States (OAS) on the actions undertaken by the Members States to combat commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents (CSEC).
Since 2010, we have chosen to address each year a specific issue that is highlighted by its relevance and/or by be demanded by States. In 2014, we have decided to address the analysis of the National Plans and their implementation processes as a central theme of the 14th Report to the Secretary General. In addition, that will be the linchpin of the SEC’s work in the 21th Pan-American Child Congress (Brasilia, December 2014).
For the elaboration of the Report, we will base on three main source of information:
- Information provided by the Inter-American System’s States. For that, we have already sent a consultation form to our technical liaisons of all states.
- Reports to the Committee on the Rights of the Child submitted by the States and comments received.
- Documents prepared from other spaces with renowned trajectory in the theme.